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Rubric: Workshop Answer Responses

  Rubric: Workshop Answer Responses

Each responder (the student responding to their classmate’s post) is required to conduct two responses on any of their classmate’s thread posts for the weekly workshop. Minimum 50 words each answer.

1. Read the Workshop thread post from your classmates with an open mind; think critically about what you will write, and which post you respond too.

2. When responding, use the student’s name and describe the point so that your whole class can follow along.

3. Whether you are asserting agreement or disagreement, provide clear and credible evidence to support your response. Make sure to use points from the textbook or from supporting material you read from other secondary or primary sources.

a. Example: Chris, you make an interesting point about Spanish colonial society. I agree that Spanish colonial society was brutal in its treatment of indigenous groups throughout early America. However, I think this statement can be supported more by connecting what was happening in the Americas and examining how society was in Europe during the Spanish Inquisition. Do you believe that inquisition methods were transferred to the Americas?

4. Avoid using unsupported personal opinions, generalizations, or language that others might find offensive. When in disagreement, keep responses respectful and academic in tone. (Think about Netiquette)

5. Ask open-ended questions rather than questions that can be answered with yes or no. Those types of answers end the conversation, rather than pushing it forward.

Response 1 is to this:

Alex Deluna Years after the Revolution had ended, there was a heavy burden of debt that had been accumulated through the war which affected many farmers in the area of western Massachusetts. According to The American Yawp reader, political leaders at the time were aware that the debt and struggling economy were direct consequences of the Articles of Confederation providing that the government could not raise revenue and did not create a cohesive nation out of various states. When the government could not protect the farmers of Massachusetts from their creditors and the state was supporting the lenders instead, this infuriated farmers especially when creditors began to threaten them with foreclosures. It was a farmer and also former Revolutionary War veteran by the name of Daniel Shay, who he led Shay’s Rebellion as the matter of taking actions into their own hands in order to demand a stronger national government. American individuals around the nation reacted to the rebellion by creating intense national debate. There was also a lot of fear amongst leaders believing that the nation was nearing anarchy, and that there was a lack of states being capable of maintaining control.

The impact that Shay’s Rebellion had in Massachusetts caused for leaders to quickly take action. As supported through the documents of both primary sources, while Revolutionary general Benjamin Lincoln preferred to take forceful actions against protesters, it was James Madison who responded with the purpose of finding a solution to the problems that the people were facing, and soon offered the Virginia Plan. This plan proposed that the United States would have a stronger federal government and would consist of the three branches of legislative, judicial, and executive. As a response to this plan, a slightly altered form was proposed by Roger Sherman in which was known as the Great Compromise. The Great Compromise took the positions within the branches to a greater extent. With much complexity, revisions, and thoughts of balancing power, a government like no other was proposed through the Constitutional Convention. As it could be determined, Shay’s Rebellion greatly impacted and influenced a major shift in the determination of powers within the state and national government.

Response 2 is to this:

Jorge Garcia : The cause of Shay’s Rebellion was due the lack of financial help the farmer’s had from the government. These farmers served in the American Revolution, after the war no money assistance was proved to them. They all struggled with debt to maintain there land and animals. Daniel shay who formed the rebellion in 1786, had a great impact on the American Republic by putting pressure on the courts and having help voice the matter to the judges. It started off peacefully as the rebellion hoped to get lower taxes and other such things to help them financially. Things became violent at certain times where the wealthy state legislatures were just making money off the farmers started forming militias to fight back at the Rebellion.

The rebellion caused Americans to react and see the view of how the the articles of confederation was not effective and needed to be revised. The political powers of different states eventually came together to revise the articles of confederation to what is now called the Constitutional Convention. Due to not having a strong government it was hard to control the rebellion due to the high numbers of people who joined.

Please use primary source ( textbook) to justify response:

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