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similarities and differences of leadership and management roles as they relate to human services organizations.

Leadership and management are two terms that are used interchangeably but represent different roles that have different functions. Understanding the differences and similarities is essential for social work administrators as they develop leadership strategies within organizations. Understanding the functions associated with leadership and management roles can influence how social workers supervise and work with colleagues in administrative practice. As you prepare for this Discussion, consider how your understanding of leadership and management roles might affect you when you assume a supervisory position.

Respond to the colleagues by explaining whether you agree or disagree with your colleague’s analysis of the similarities and differences of leadership and management and their application to a potential supervisory position in a human services organization. Provide support for your position.

Colleague VC 

RE: Discussion – Week 1

An analysis of the similarities and differences of leadership and management roles as they relate to human services organizations.

Managers are accountable for the day-to-day operations. Management is a position. Managers are appointed or assigned to specific managerial roles within an agency. Managers keep organizations flowing by safeguarding all team members and allowing all team members to feel like they are in partnership with agency missions. They keep the company stable and current. On the other hand, leaders boost the organization by setting goals, establishing a concept, and encouraging others to join in joint actions to enhance momentum. Leaders focus on what can and will be accomplished for the betterment of all parties involved (Lauffer,2011).

How these roles may affect me as I assume a supervisory position.

Supervisors are part of the team’s supervisory procedures; they provide incentives for group members to participate. Therefore, offering formal and informal views related to successful completion by joint training and support. According to the literature, since it is difficult to identify and reward emerging behaviors without shaping them, these, defined as joint leadership (Lauffer, 2011).

I have never been in a supervisory role, so I am unsure of the leadership style I would implement. However, after reviewing the literature, I would define myself as a super leader. (Lauffer,2011). I can engage others based mainly on my life experience. As a certified peer recovery specialist ( CPRS), I   interact with clients, community organizations, and recovery facilities. My role as a CPRS helps me actively expose needed knowledge-based information related to working with people with a substance abuse disorder.     My colleagues have up-to-date information on the latest Medically assisted treatment or ( MAT). As a leader,  I am available to answer any questions they may have, which allows my colleagues to establish their connection with the recovery community. They think of ways to integrate a less stigmatizing experience. Thus, they remain culturally aware that language matters when addressing the recovery community.    I am making sure my colleagues are respected and valued when working towards understanding the culture of recovery.


Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.Chapter 8, “Leadership, Management, and Governance” (pp. 243–280)

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Colleague KP 

RE: Discussion – Week 1

Post an analysis of the similarities and differences of leadership and management roles as they relate to human services organizations.

Although often times used interchangeably and overlap as complementary of one another, leadership and management still in some respects represent different roles that have different/varying functions. According to Lauffer (2011), leadership entails inspiring others to action around a shared vision and management functions are to control, coordinate, and oversee an organization’s programs and other operations. A very important similarity is that both are crucial and essential components of successful and efficient administrative practice. Lauffer (2011) mentions that in social agencies, leadership and management are about “starting things up, getting them done, and keeping them moving” (p. 244). Some of the mentioned desired personal characteristics of both leaders and managers are drive, self-confidence, flexibility, charisma, professionalism, and vision (Lauffer, 2011). It is noted that both leadership and management have relational and situational elements (Lauffer, 2011).

A difference that exists is that while management is a position in which one is appointed the role, any one person can be a leader or demonstrate leadership traits and qualities, regardless of their title/role within the agency. Management roles arise out of interactions with other members and the needs of the situation.

Include how your understanding of these roles may affect you as you assume a supervisory position.

As noted by Lauffer (2011), it is important to keep in mind that without good leadership one’s agency would be unable to effectively chart its own directions or to change those directions as needed and without good management, it would be unable to coordinate all the activities necessary to get to where it hopes to be going. There exists distinct leadership behaviors to keep in mind that managers may perform in various organizational situations included, but are not limited to: liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, resource allocator, and negotiator, in which these roles are all situationally specific and designed to support personnel and organizational efforts to achieve specific program and managerial goals (Lauffer, 2011). By having a good understanding of leadership and management and how they overlap, yet differ, situationally, it will allow for implementation of scientifically efficient strategies and techniques to demonstrate positive outcomes in both categories.


Lauffer, A. (2011). Understanding your social agency (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

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