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Prepare a memo to the Board of Directors that proposes cost containment projects that reduce facility costs as well as improve quality

in APA (7th Edition)

Imagine that you have been asked to develop a new quality improvement program to address cost containment in your facility. Prepare a memo to the Board of Directors that proposes cost containment projects that reduce facility costs as well as improve quality.



  • In the memo, discuss why there is a need to balance cost containment with quality improvement. Include at least three specific rationales.
  • Choose at least one cost-containment strategy. Some strategies might include outsourcing services, standardizing clinical processes, reducing overhead, etc.
  • Describe in your memo how you will apply it to an area (pharmacy, therapies, surgery, laboratory, etc.) within the healthcare facility entailing at least three steps.
  • Discuss at least two ways the cost-containment strategy could adversely impact quality. Explain your reasoning.


  • Your submission is composed in a Microsoft Word document.
  • To meet the objective requirements, your response is at least 500 words in length.
  • Your submission includes specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements to demonstrate mastery of the objective.
  • Your submission includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your response is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization.
  • Your communication is highly ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Your submission displays exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics.
  • A separate page at the end of your response contains a list of references.
  • Include both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources used following proper APA citation style.
  • Please review the APA formatting and citation style in Academic Tools – Academic Writer.
  • using this format please
  • :

Assignment Title

Student Name

Course Code – Number

Course Name


Instructor Name

Title Your Paper

Please match your title page and the title on page 2. Do not use the actual word, Introduction, to title your paper. Begin writing your opening or introduction section under your paper title. This section should include the main themes or topics you will specifically address with integrated literature support. Double space the entire document. Be sure to indent the first line of each paragraph by pressing the ‘Tab’ key one time on the keyboard.

Note: Not all assignments will require the use of section subheadings but some may. The Level 1 and 2 Heading examples are provided here to help guide you when using subheadings.

Level 1 Heading

Paragraphs should be fully developed with at least three well-thought out, complete sentences with integrated literature support. Try to avoid placing one reference at the very end of your paragraphs. Integrate the literature so the reader understands what part of the paragraph is supported by the citation. Please make sure you include citation(s) from the literature. Whenever words such as literature, research, study, or studies are mentioned in a narrative or you provide numerical/statistical information, you should use in-text citations. If the word examples in italics above are plural, then at least two citations are needed. If these words are singular, then one is needed.

Level 2 Heading

Begin your Level 2 content with a fully developed paragraph and provide leverage from the literature to support your statements, assertions, claims, rationale, etc. With any subheadings, such as Level 2, 3, etc., you need at least two of each subheading. If you plan to use Level 2 headings, make sure your Level 1 includes content before creating a Level 2. A Level 2 heading should serve as an expansion of your Level 1 content and provide more details.

Level 2 Heading

Again, if you use Level 2 headings, make sure you have at least two Level 2 headings. As a scholarly writing tip, please try to avoid colloquial expressions, slang, conversational writing, and anthropomorphisms. Anthropomorphisms give inanimate objects human attributes. You want to make sure your writing is precise and clear in your intent to demonstrate your scholarly tone (refer to the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual).

Level 1 Heading

You may decide to use only Level 1 headings in your papers, especially if your papers are only a few pages. Try to avoid using this author, this student, this writer, etc. You do not need to refer to yourself when you are the one writing the paper, unless the paper calls for use of first person. Then, you can simply write or me, etc., if you write in first person. When you write in third person, focus on demonstrating your analysis and voice through the literature. Leverage the literature to support your position and rationale. Using this author or this writer is really neither first nor third person.


Make sure you include a conclusion in your course assignments. A conclusion helps you summarize and emphasize the main themes in your paper. Please review your paper again to make sure you addressed any basic writing and/or APA errors.



Bojinova, E., & Oigara, J. (2013). Teaching and learning with clickers in higher education. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education25(2), 154-165.

Furco, A., & Moely, B. E. (2012). Using learning communities to build faculty support for pedagogical innovation: A multi-campus study. Journal of Higher Education, 83(1), 128-153.

Kerby, M. (2015). Toward a new predictive model of student retention in higher education. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice17(2), 138-161. doi: 10.1177/1521025115578229

Kopcha, T., Ding, L., Neumann, K., & Choi, I. (2016). Teaching technology integration to K-12 educators: A ‘gamified’ approach. TechTrends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning, 60(1), 62-69. doi:10.1007/s11528-015-0018-z

Long, T. (2016). Influence of international service learning on nursing students’ self efficacy towards cultural competence. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 23(10), 28-33.

Simonet, D. V., & Tett, R. P. (2013). Five perspectives on the leadership-management relationship: A competency-based evaluation and integration. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies20(2), 199-213.[A1]


[A1]These are merely examples to illustrate proper APA formatting. Delete prior to assignment submission.

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