What is one reason you believe arbitration has become such a popular alternative to the court system?
1. You are the new union representative leading a team in its negotiations with, Sunny Side Up an international solar energy corporation, You are aware that, historically, over 90% of disputes regarding an existing agreement between labor and management are resolved by arbitration (rather than the courts); the decision to use arbitration rather than the courts must be included in any contract to be binding.
What is one reason you believe arbitration has become such a popular alternative to the court system?
2. You have three children in public schools, two in grade school and one in middle school. The Legislature is debating whether the state’s public school teachers should be considered “essential employees” and not allowed to strike but rather to submit any dispute to binding arbitration. What is your position on this issue?
3. https://youtu.be/apS197LtPDQ
CHAPTER 19: Let me begin by saying that the commenting professor is obviously distressed by the Janus decision. And I should underline that partisanship on the Supreme Court is pervasive, affecting all cases except those decisions with little or no connection to political issues. Regardless of the professor’s viewpoint, do you agree or disagree with the Janus decision.