Frequently Asked Questions
Who writes my Essay?
We have qualified writers who are not only talented in writing papers but also have requisite knowledge in specific area of study. Further, our writers are mentored in writing & their work scrutinized for syntax error and plagiarism by our editing team
How long should I wait to get my paper?
We deliver your order within the deadline given. You will have an opportunity to evaluate the paper and request for revision
What if I am not satisfied with my paper?
Many reasons can result to this from writers missing some key points or information not provided in great detail. However, we always try to make revisions for any orders that have issues. Thus, if unsatisfied, you may request for a refund or credit for a free assignment to cover up
Is your payment secure?
Our payment is secure and you d not need to worry about your data when using our website.
Can I chat with writer?
Yes, our system allows you to message writer directly for clarification. However, we discourage sharing contact with writers since we are able to supervise every step they do on your order and make sure everything is fine
Benefits of Working with Our Writers
Our writers have knowledge even on complex disciplines
Every writer writes a maximum of 3 special subjects such as, statistics, finance & economics
Our writers are constantly mentored and reviewed for their skills. We hire the best writers who posses requisite knowledge and writing skills
Our writers have access to databases with recent research and publications for use. Further, we grad our writers access to grammar & plagiarism checks. Additionally, our editing team proofreads every paper before submission